We build your Testing Centre of Excellence

A Testing Centre of Excellence (TCoE) allows you to standardize testing processes, which gives your testers flexibility while maintaining quality and security. QiTASC has developed everything you need to build your TCoE.

What we offer

QiTASC provides a framework that forms the backbone of every Testing Centre of Excellence. It consists of software, hardware, 3rd party products and services. Features include remote access, integration, zero-touch automation, reporting, simulation, evidence collection, AI analysis, and anything else that’s required.

Streamlined testing

Our framework as the backbone of your TCoE includes an integrated environment, the necessary features, hardware and test cases to share across teams.

How it works

We combine various elements to a single unit

You may have bought different software and hardware for your testing projects: Some devices from one company, security software from another, other products from still other companies. But the interaction between different components may cause trouble, as they don’t always get along well.

With our framework, we can create a TCoE from these elements, replacing some of them and adding any missing pieces from our tool set. Our experts analyse and identify challenges, implement what is needed, and train your testing team. The result is standardized testing processes, tools, and methodologies to ensure the quality, reliability, and efficiency of software and hardware for testing projects.

What makes the difference

Flexibility, quality, speed

Testers use a TCoE as one centralized unit. They can connect to it directly or remotely to manage, plan, develop, run and analyse tests. Protocols, tools and KPIs are standardized, and testers can share their resources across the team. By streamlining testing activities, you speed up the process and ensure that products meet industry standards.

The difference lies in the contrast between a fragmented approach and an integrated one. You can emphasize efficiency and control, focus on specific differentiators, and much more.

Key topics covered by QiTASC:

Remote control

Multi tenancy

Authoring environment



Reports & project KPIs

AI analysis & defect resolution

Integration to NE via interfaces

Test automation environment

Trace & evidence collection

Roaming site integration

Simulation environment



A TCoE from QiTASC offers several significant benefits for telco companies, distinguishing it from traditional, fragmented approaches.

Increased efficiency and cost savings:

Streamlined workflow, reduced redundancy, improved automation, remote control, reduced test case creation time

Enhanced quality and performance:

Comprehensive testing, improved defect detection, load and stress testing, out-of-the-box test case libraries

Greater visibility and control:

Customizable dashboardscentralized reporting, traceability and evidence collection

Additional advantages:

Reduced time to market, improved compliance, scalability and adaptability, multi tenancy

Obtain a software licence as a package

Create the package you need from our portfolio. Explore the packages in detail.


Buy an intaQt® licence to run your test cases.


Buy or rent our innovative hardware.

Testing Service

Rent the time and know-how of our testing team.

All in One

All you need for your project.